The post Water pipes PE-RT pipe N1401 appeared first on Distribution board, circuit breaker, fish tape, cable marker,anti vandal switch, Thermostat: ezitown.
PE-RT pipe overview:
1.PE-RT pipe adopts polyethylene Pipe manufactu red with speciaI molecuIe design and composition technique,featu ring tempe rature and
pressu re resistance,good flexibiIity,thermal resistance,higher performance compared with other plastic pipe materials.
convenient installation,good heat conductivity,suitable forfloorwarming system,recoverable.
2.PE-RT pipe material has excellent anti-shock can be welded and connected with machineries.and its heat conductivity is
better than PB&PP-R
3.PE-RT Pipe material is manufactu red by adopting imported raw materials from Korean SK Company
4. PE-RT Pipe has gone th rough 5000 times of cold and hot circulation test fo r 8760 carried out in State
Chemical&Construclion Material Test Center
The post Water pipes PE-RT pipe N1401 appeared first on Distribution board, circuit breaker, fish tape, cable marker,anti vandal switch, Thermostat: ezitown.