Waterproof electrical plastic box

Ezitown Brand Waterproof electrical plastic box has completed 151 transactions in only 2 mounth.Including Cyprus,Peru,Saudi Arabia,Switzerland.Europe couintries are the majority.It seems in line with the rules of use of European countries.

The large quantity of sales  in a short period of time to indirectly proved the quality of the product.On the other side, proved that the company order processing in a timely manner, delivery speed and have sufficient backup resources.

Ezitown Factory Send samples to customer before the order.Samples delivery is available if needed.The product shape and size can be selected by close observation.On the other hand The quality can be seen directly.

Ezitown Brand Waterproof electrical plastic box packing .Can package upon customers’ request.








Ezitown Brand Waterproof electrical plastic box loading.Type of shipping:by sea,air,DHL,UPS,TNT,FEDEX and so on.

Here are some details of Waterproof electrical plastic box.

Waterproof junction box name Electric Enclosures, mainly divided into special and general-purpose products.According to different on-site environment, users can choose to meet the requirements of the site materials.


Ezitown Factory direct sale china’s abs waterproof pvcround plastic box.Material:ABS.IP grade: IP55.ABS is a general-purpose thermoplastic polymer, ABS performance characteristics: good rigidity, high impact strength, heat resistance, low temperature resistance, chemical resistance, mechanical strength and electrical properties Excellent, easy to process, processing dimensional stability and good surface gloss, easy to paint, coloring, can also be sprayed metal, electroplating, welding and bonding secondary processing performance.

ABS  has a good overall performance, so ABS Has been wildely used in electrical components, home appliances, computers and instrumentation .

Some details of Ezitown Waterproof electrical plastic box.

  • Suitable circuit breaker width: 18mm.
  • All Size available:size from 50X30 to 200x100x70 Diameter 26mm,size from 200X100x110 to 400x350x120 Diameter 31mm,
  • the rubber sea can be cutted in any diameter less than 26mm or 31mm.
  • logo attach available.add any data that you want to appear on the product.

If you want know more about Ezitown Brand Waterproof electrical plastic box.Chick on:http://www.ezitown.com/category/distribution-box/plastic-distribution-box/